Centralia Foundation Park
The Restored Prairie is located on eight acres of land to the west of the Centralia Cultural Society at 1230 East Rexford Street.
In the spring of 1989, planting began on the Prairie Restoration. The grasses and forbes found in the priaire were chosen from those native to our region of Illinois. A one-third mile path winds through the prairie with a tree shaded bench in the center that offers the hiker a place to sit and enjoy the view.
The Prairie offers a continually changing display of native plants. Spring-with the start of new sprouts, summer-when the flowers are in bloom, and fall-when the grasses (Big Bllue Stem and Indian), can grow to heights fo 6 feet and more. The prairie also provides food and shelter to a variety of wildlife such as rabbits, quail and red fox.
Historically, fire was a natural part of life for our native woodlands, wetlands, and prairies. Ecosystems native to the Midwest require such burns to clear away lasts years dried thatch,rejuvenate growth, ensure long-term survival, and most importantly, control invasive plants to assure diversity within the prairie ecosystem. The Restored Prairie undergoes an annual controlled burn in late winter when the season and weather allow.